Allen & Overy Pension Scheme
What Next?

Keeping track of your investments

Deciding how your account is invested shouldn’t be a once-only decision. Whether you have invested in the Lifecycle option or an individual fund (or a range of funds) you should regularly review how your account is invested, to make sure your chosen investments continue to be appropriate for your circumstances – for example, if your Planned Retirement Age changes or if you plan to buy a pension that increases.

The Self-Select option

If you choose the Self-Select investment option, you can change how your account is invested or redirect future contributions.

Online switching

To change how your account is invested you can log on to the My Pension section of this website to view details of your account and change your investment instructions securely. This website is run by the Scheme Administrator, Capita.

When you Self-Select, you can take:

   12 switches per annum
   1 free switch per calendar month*

*While we do recommend that you review your investment choices on a regular basis and it is simple to switch your funds online, it is important to understand that your Retirement Account is a long-term investment.

You can also change how your account is invested by completing a Change of Investment Instruction Form available from the Rewards Department.

Remember: You can only select one of the Lifecycle options or a mix of the individual funds at any one time. If you wish to change a Lifecycle option or move to a different Lifecycle option, you have to change how your existing account balance is invested, as well as any future contributions. If you have chosen to invest in the individual funds, you can change how your future contributions are invested without changing how your existing account balance is invested.

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