Allen & Overy Pension Scheme
The Individual Funds

Your Fund Options

  • The Trustee, with guidance from the Scheme's Investment Advisers, is responsible for the selection, monitoring and, where necessary, the termination of the underlying investment managers for each of the funds on the following page.
  • There can be no guarantee that any one investment option, or mix of options, will produce the best returns. The Allen & Overy Reward Team is available to give you more information on your options, but they are not authorised to give you financial advice.
  • If you feel you need financial advice, you can contact an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) in your area online at You may be charged for any advice provided, and neither Capita nor the Trustee can take any responsibility for the advice you receive nor any action you take as a result.
  • Each fund within the available options has a management fee or charge associated with it. It's important that you carefully consider this factor when choosing which funds to invest your fund in.

Fund details

Click here to find out the risk rating for the funds on offer.